VP Fundraising | Jessica Castle

Meet Jessica!

Jessica was born and raised in Southeastern Pennsylvania, where she lived with her family until
November 2021 when they relocated to Bothell. The Fernwood community quickly became their PNW
family, and they purchased their home in July 2022, being sure that it was within the Fernwood
boundaries. Jessica and her husband, Mark, have three boys; two are Fernwood students. Cooper is in
2 nd grade and Cole is in kindergarten. Their youngest, Luke, is 2 years old and is (not so) patiently waiting
for his turn to be a Fernwood Panther like his big brothers!

Jessica is a former Director of Annual Giving for a private school in Pennsylvania. In that position, she
was responsible for general fundraising, including creating all direct fundraising materials, and
organizing parent and alumnae volunteers. Jessica is excited to use this experience in her new role as
chair of fundraising for the Fernwood PTSA. She is also looking forward to spending more time at
Fernwood. Jessica loves being on campus and interacting with the students. She volunteers in the
cafeteria whenever she can and has helped with other events in the past including RaizeCraze, field day,
Staff Appreciation, and chaperoning field trips. She is excited to have this opportunity to be involved in
her children’s school and wants to do everything she can to create a positive experience for them and
the entire Fernwood community.

Responsibilities of the VP of Fundraising

➣ setting fundraising goals

➣ organizing and implementing fundraising activities

➣ attend and contribute to the Board of Director meetings